hi Wade,
try something like this in your Report > Selection Formula > Record editor...substituting the fields and parameters for your own...
{Orders.Order Date} in {?DateRange}
{Orders.Order Date} in dateadd('yyyy', -1, minimum({?DateRange})) to dateadd('yyyy', -1, maximum({?DateRange}))
the above doesn't really handle leap years in the calc, but you'd need to specify exactly what kind of logic you'd want to use when a leap year comes into play.
you could also use something like this
{Orders.Order Date} in {?DateRange}
{Orders.Order Date} >= date(year(minimum({?DateRange}))-1, month(minimum({?DateRange})), day(minimum({?DateRange}))) and
{Orders.Order Date} <= date(year(maximum({?DateRange}))-1, month(maximum({?DateRange})), day(maximum({?DateRange})))
check the Database menu > Show SQL Query to see how these two are processed, especially with leap years...i.e. enter 02/29/2016 as the start date to your parameter. you'll need to figure out how you want to handle these exceptions.