Hi All,
- We have installed HR Renewal 1.0 FP 4 on the ECC EHP6 system and NW 7.3 Portal.
Have the SAP Gateway system (on NW 7.4) configured separately from the ECC backend system.
We have performed all the configuration steps mentioned in the HR Renewal admin guide to get the landing page.
We are having several issues accessing the landing page.
- While trying to access landing page from standard SAP_PAO_HRPROFESSIONAL_3 role in ECC backend system, we get an error and landing page not getting displayed.
2. While trying to access landing page with server/port of gateway system, we got the SPB admin page running, where we can add catalogs and add chips to it. However, when trying to access the landing page for ESS/MSS/HR Admin, the items within partcular chip is not appearing e.g. In ESS, we have chips like Search, MyInfo, MyServices, etc. There is nothing getting displayed within MyInfo chip as shown below and it keeps on loading....
We used F12 to see the errors while running this page. (find the snapshot fig. 2)
As per the HR admin config guide, we have activated all the services under /sap/bc/ui5_ui5. As you can see in the error, it is trying to look for the
services which are present in a different path on the gateway server (The server/host used in this path are that of gateway). The service here in the screenshot - HRESS_MYSRV_G is actaully a part of /sap/opu/sap.
It would be really of great help if you can provide us some inputs/suggestions so that we will be able to get links inside the chips and proceed further.
Also please let us know what steps we need to perform so as to access landing page from ECC backend role successfully.
Thank you,