Hi Experts,
We're using Priorities in Notifications. These are -
P1- Immediate
P2- One week
P3- Two weeks
P4- Three weeks
When a notification is created with P2 (say on 01.10.2014), it will take following
Required start date- 01.10.2014
Required End date- 07.10.2014
Now when this notification is getting converted to Work Order on any date (say on 03.10.2014), system copies the 03.10.2014 as basic start date and same as end date.
My quarry here is -
1. How does the Notification priority is working here? since the same priority is copying into order from notification, Shouldn't it show the same time span as like notification, means 7 Days margin between basic start & end date?
2. Once the notification gets converted to Work order, the task list operation gets defined by the planner. if the schedule button (shown below) is pressed, the Order takes the dates as per lead time scheduling (time defined under each operation)
Now I'm not clear, what is the correct practice. Do system follow the Notification priority time span in Orders scheduling as well (so that Planner can get some time to plan the order)
or it should follow the Operation time to calculate the Basic finish date??? if should follow the operation time, how the planner will get time to raise for PR/PO and start order after material availability only.??
Please help here..