Hi There, I am having hard time to generate right WSDL for the BLS transaction.
I tried couple of things - When i don't assign XSD to OP variable. WSDLGen generates wsdl document but looks it is wrong,i don't see Rowsets node.( Ref att: WSDL with out XSD)
When i attach XSD(refer att:XSDDOC) to OP variable with element ROWSETS. WSDDGen is generating different WSDL but that one also looks wrong to me.(Ref att: WSDL with XSD assigned to OP var.wsdl) .In this Row node referring Rowsets node which is wrong.
Output i am trying to get is like below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<Column Description="SITE" MaxRange="1" MinRange="0" Name="SITE" SQLDataType="-9" SourceColumn="SITE"/>
<Column Description="ITEM" MaxRange="1" MinRange="0" Name="ITEM" SQLDataType="-9" SourceColumn="ITEM"/>
So, My question here is ,Is there any thing wrong with XSD ? or Any other thing need to be done to generate right WSDL ?
Thanks in advance for your help.