Re: need saperate account entries for amount in accounting entries in billing
Hi C.B Reddy, Looks like the last screenshot is from DEV system.What you need to analyse is line items (2 and 4) from your test system (where separate lines are posted for the sam account and posting...
View ArticleRe: Handle Hashtag change
Hi Joao, I think you can use the sap.ui.core.routing.HashChanger to attach an "hashChanged" event handler. var oHashChanger = HashChanger.getInstance(); oHashChanger.attachEvent("hashChanged",...
View ArticleRe: How to find out the user exit is implemented
Hi, I would try the following: 1) Ask the system admin. He/she should be able to give the list of modified z-objects from the list of generated object keys. 2) Look for relevant project documents, i.e....
View ArticleProfile Parameters on SolMan 7.1 SPS 11
We started to set profile settings Solman. And exposing those or other parameters that would minimize the maximum swap, it turns out that the load on the I/O is too high and the system starts to slow...
HI GUYS GOOD DAY..CAN YOU HELP ME HOW TO DISPLAY THE CUSTOMER NAME IN INVENTORY AUDIT REPORT FIELD.. IN UDF-Management.. where can i create field and what will i put to query??thank you so much ...
View ArticleRe: what is use of work flow in master contracts
Hi,Here is the explanation from the workflow help page."Changing the master contract triggers a workflow that accesses the assigned lower level contracts and automatically copies the changes to the...
View ArticleBegin a SAP career starting as ABAP IV developer
Hello, Soon I want to start a course in ABAP IV, with the aim to get certified in the medium term. I've played some SAP, and I think it could like me much. Anyway, I would like to make a career in...
View ArticleBegin a SAP career starting as ABAP IV developer
Hello, Soon I want to start a course in ABAP IV, with the aim to get certified in the medium term. I've played some SAP, and I think it could like me much. Anyway, I would like to make a career in...
View ArticleRe: Making changes to SAP workflow template
Thanks Prakash,The workflow template I was trying to modify is triggered by a standard SAP webdynpro application and I had no choice of calling my custom workflow template (eg: linkages) due to the...
Hi Romel This is a report and not a form that supports UDF fields. You will have to look at writing your own query or report with the information you require. You can use the view OINM to get the...
View ArticleRe: Gmail Email Setup - Send Emails from User Email Account
Hi, Where did you setup email SMTP settings? Please post screen shot of SMTP window. Thanks & Regards,Nagarajan
View Articlereturn billing type for POS data upload
Hi, From the configuration, it only available for one billing type for POS upload. If i want to separate another billing type for return, how can i configure it. Thanks
View ArticleRe: Using the Fiori Launchpad for same user with different catalogs/groups?
Hi James, It will definitely give me two Launchpads, but you configure the launchpad(s) through sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/arsrvc_upb_admn and there's no reference in that to link launchpads to different ICF...
View ArticleRe: One To Many Copy in SAP BPC
Just add SELECTINPUT to some variable - the user will select destination time members. Then TASK MEMBERSELECTION for this variable to pass members to some $DEST$ variable. then in script: *FOR...
View ArticleRe: Outdated US Postal Codes
Steve, So far I havent seen any sap note which uploads or verifying the US postal codes.please refer to the following note 1734191 - Zip Code Error in IT0006 Hope this helps you ThxAshish
View ArticleRe: SAP B1 Client is not showing any company after installing Windows 7
Hi Javier, You need license to run B1 on Windows 7. Whenever OS changed, hardware key also changed. Refer SAP note: 793649 - When does the Hardware Key change? Thanks & Regards,Nagarajan
View ArticleRe: IQ 15.4/16 VLDB feature, concerns on too many partitions
For the time being, we only deploy 1 type SAN storage here. We won't consider multiple dbspaces; unless there is a good reason for it. If we can backup read-write/read-only db spaces separately, and...
View ArticleRe: Logic Script for adding two Categories to obtain another Category
View ArticleRe: Can I access to a propertie in a *REC expression ????
Hi Adrian, FIrst the property of CONCEPTO - FACTOR1 has to contain exactly the member I'd of DRIVER.Second: *REC(EXPRESSION=1,DRIVER=CONCEPTO.FACTOR1) Vadim
View ArticleDuda sobre Almacen
Buena tarde, necesito crear un almacen en Sap Business one version 9 , dicho almacen no debe generar ningun tipo de contabilidad solamente registrar entradas y salidas, si alguien me pudiera ayudar a...
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