Display Image in Screen from Table
Hello Experts, There is a table which has fields NAME(TYPE DDFILENAME), INTGUID (TYPE SYSUUID_C32) & DETAILS (TYPE LRAW31000).DETAILS is the field where Image (JPG or BMP) is stored which is in RAW...
View ArticleRe: Is it possible to insert a summary of a summary?
Sorry, I probably haven't given you enough information regarding this. This solution didn't work because my summaries are "average times". I have added a jpg. The wait time averages are generated...
View ArticleRe: Is it possible to have Duplicate entries in Target group
Hi Anju, This is not working as SAP standard code deleting duplicate values from TG. Thanks Narayan kumar
View ArticleRe: procurement visibility
Hello Bogdan, Are you able to see the shipment in EM? If the shipment is available in EM, you can check following things to identify what went wrong. 1) Check the selection profile assigned to your...
View ArticleDBM Creation of New Vehicle and the relationship with Valuation Class
HI SAP, I'm having problem when creating new vehicle in /DBM/VM. The Valuation Class that i use for VEHI is 4010. when i clickon save the system show valuation class 3200 not allowed for material...
View ArticleRe: Only showing one case of group 2
its' not quite doing correctly. It's not tallying correctly, not bringing in all the amounts to the total. I think the issue is we want to show the total of all the order types first not after them.,...
View ArticleRe: Is it possible to have Duplicate entries in Target group
Hello Amab, Thanks for your replay. I not looking for changes at UI level. I am looking to make changes at TG generat where it should allow duplicate contacts. Is there any SAP provided BADis for...
View ArticleRe: Reporte DIOT
Hola, el reporte de Diot se basa en facturas efectivamente pagadas en un periodo. En las consultas que ustedes ponen anteriormente, estan trayendo info unicamente de faccturas y no de pagos. Alguien...
View ArticlePowerbuilder.Net WCF service - where is the Application_Start event
I am new to Powerbuilder.Net.I am creating a WCF web service with Powerbuilder.Net 12.6 and I have a reference to the log4net.dll. Normally in a C# project I would add a call to configure log4net (...
View ArticleWhy is my BODS job with XML target never completes
I have a BODS job that has an XML target. It runs continually without stopping. In the trace log it shows the job a still running. It stops at the point where memory is being allocated instead of...
View ArticleSAP MM contract
I am getting the following message while trying to save the contract No message record could be found for output of message. Save Anyways? What should I do?
View ArticleRe: EBS clearing using profit center
Hi Geneviee, In exit FEB00001 you can populate field e_febep-zuonr with profit center code (I assume you can derive from EBS which profit center belongs to each transaction). If posting rule was...
View ArticleRe: can't see bex queries in metadata repository
Hi metadata repository we can see both reports custom and standard reports.Ex- 0PUR_C01 - if you go this cube query technical names you all get the all reports custom and standard reports. select...
View ArticleRe: posting goods receipt po partial delivery
Hi, I am not sure your discussion is related to SDK. If yes, please repost at SDK forum to get some more response. Thanks & Regards,Nagarajan
View ArticleRe: Design Studio working for ipad,iphone, and desktop
We are using BI 4.1 and I do not know about the Design Studio Mobile service? Is there any way to verify I have that installed? I did a normal install of Design Studio
Hi, Create same scenario in test DB and compare result. If its OK, please follow same thing in LIVE DB Thanks & Regards,Nagarajan
View ArticleRe: How to see more instances in the Change Log?
Hi, What do you mean by current and old version? Any changes in history log under general settings-->service tab? Thanks & Regards,Nagarajan
View ArticleRe: What is BatchMaster ERP with SAP Business One...
Hi, Please wait for further reply. Thanks & Regards,Nagarajan
View ArticleRe: Design Studio working for ipad,iphone, and desktop
the mobile service is part of the Design Studio BI platform add-on are you using SP1 of Design Studio 1.3? I also think you should probably be on Mobile BI 6.x
View ArticleRe: How send e-mail with XML + PDF and body text
Eng, I find way to do that via MailPackage. I will test and provide solution. Regards until now. BR. Ricardo Viana.
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