Re: offline backup failed
Guys, I have same the problem with backup.can your share the solution detail. please advice..
View ArticleRe: SAP ME mass upload
I have go thru the document. Quite difficult for not advance technical to understand webservice.Is there somthing simple and easy that can map excel file and upload DC group.
View ArticleRe: convert excel file to bai2 format in lock box
Hi Pasha, Please check this link which covers complete configuration of Lockbox with BAI2 file format. Hope it helps !! In case of any queries please revert back....
View ArticleCode Migration to CCentral
Hi,I have job in CCentral.Now the underlying table has got changed, with 2 new columns and i want to make changes to the DataFlow in the job for mapping the new columns. Can some one tell me step by...
View ArticleRe: how to restrict the usage decision
hi, Better way to control Authorization at QA11 level. Regards, Chaitanya Parchrue
View ArticleRe: restrict printing of text element on last page of smartform
Dear Krishna!, i tried the condition at condition tab it won't work.Please help me with alternate solution. Thanks & Regards,Suresh Reddy.
View ArticleRe: Webdynpro ALV
Hi Varun, Run your applicatoin and check for ST22 analysis, it will help us. BR,RAM>
View ArticleRe: AES Customs
Hi Jörg, We had a similar requirement for german customs where the delivery number (not invoice) was required to be submitted in the item section of the customs declaration, Documents Tab with...
View ArticleRe: Employee Wise and week Wise data
Hi Yash, Use these FMs. To get the payroll period for the dates. CALL FUNCTION'HRAR_GET_PAYROLL_PERIOD' EXPORTING permo = v_permo date = h_date IMPORTING begda = v_datum1...
View ArticleRe: BusinessObjects 4.0 to 4.1 SP4 Patch3 Upgrade
Hi Ashish, It is recommended that the Explorer upgrade should happen immediately after BI 4 upgrade. Hence I would suggest to upgrade Explorer to 4.1 SP2 immediately after BI Platform 4.1 SP2. The...
View ArticleRe: How to set column position in ALV Grid layout
Hi Vijaykrishna, You should check in declaration part, It's important declare each an every field serial order. and In the field catalog section take a variable and its increase...
View ArticleRe: Internal error; Calculated nominal is inconsistent [Message no. TPM_CAL004]
Dear Tap, Please check this SAP notes- Regards,Jain
View ArticleRe: to read an XML in PI without ns1: tag
ok. i want to see the file content, to check for namespaces or something that raise your error
View ArticleRe: Data mismatch between PSA and DSO new table
As of now actiavte your new table data and see the record count at active table.if its shows same as new table then delete your DSO data and reload the data form PSA to DSO.lets see the records count...
View ArticleRe: New SAP Mobility Department
Hi Ahmed, Odata is the recommended interface. You can expose Odata services from SAP using Gateway and can be used in SMP for configuration. Regards,Midhun VP
View ArticleRe: CJ9FS not copied same values between versions
Hi Varun, Is there a way to fix it? The issue is exactly the differences when perform the tcodes about copy.As you see, in RPSCO values are not the same, if the system displayed the message that copy...
View ArticleRe: Budget Release Error
Hi Varshal, I am referring to the Budget/Actual columns, why don't they show any values?? Rest I reckon your guidance has worked to get me started here. Please suggest further. rgdsMazal
View ArticleRe: Data mismatch between PSA and DSO new table
Hi,Adrian Pereira wrote: Yes ...I checked the whole psa table data.Note: there is only one package in PSA.Right click your datasource 2lis_02_itm and select manage and then share the screen shot of...
View ArticleRe: Disp+Work was stopped immediately after startsap
Hi Peeravat, Is the source system kernel and the target system kernel are same?if not , then try to replace the target system kernel with the source system kernel. As the patch level of your kernel is...
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