Re: Selection Parameters appearnce different than design of BEx Designer
Hi,Fiscal variant is strictly connected with fiscal period. Why do you give possibilty of restricting by fiscal version to users ? They should have the possibility of restricting by fisc per !! Value...
View ArticleRe: sap me21n
You have to create additional tab for displaying custom fields in ME21N, ME22N, ME23N Add custom fields in CI_EKKO, if custom fields are in header levelAdd custom fields in CI_EKPO if custom fields are...
View ArticleRe: Condition cannot be copied - Inforecord
Hi Jurgen, Thanks for reply. I will take help of ABAPer and debug it. Yes we maintain condition record through MEK1 for Tax purpose. We maintain it with tax code. And we don't want to maintain in info...
View ArticleRe: Valuation price in PR
Hi, No worry, as long as you assigned the correct fixed vendor and info record number in PR, although the valuation price still came from material master data in PR. But when PR converting to PO,...
View ArticleRe: Create Triggers on System Tables
Hi Sunil, I wouldn't change trigger of system tables. With new release you could lose your changes.If you want to check for new users, looking from db and not from your application, you could...
View ArticleUniversity list of SAP UA programs in Georgia, US
Hello All; I have been searching all over internet, University Alliances and other forums to find out the list of universities that has an SAP Masters program. However, both internet and University...
View ArticleRe: How to change password for local repo in BODS 4.2
I guess you have tried to change the user/password for CMC user ,please correct me if i am wrong Shiva Sahu
View ArticleProduction order receipt handling unit
Hello, I try to post a goods receipt by using handling unit, created from production order; Steps are followings: Step1: T-code: COP1 or COWBPACK for handling unit creation against...
View ArticleRe: Get list of all screens in SAP with all of their fields and names in...
Have you had a loook at table DD04T? For example the field you mention p0554-duryy has data element PSEN_DURYY has the following languages:
View ArticleDESADV.DELVRY05 not able to find in SWCV Basis >Imported Objects
Hello PI Experts, We have a requirement to use DESADV.DELVRY05 IDoc in PI 7.1 version but we can't findit in the current SAP BASIS 640 SWCV > Imported Objects. Please suggest if tpz needs to be...
View ArticleASSERTION_FAILED During create Contract
HiWe are on SRM 701Classic Scenario.when i want to create contract on NWBC i have this Error Category ABAP Programming ErrorRuntime Errors ASSERTION_FAILEDABAP Program...
View ArticleRe: I can't start two instances in server at the same time
Hi Praveen, Not clear with your issues. like you are mentioning port number 4901, but we have never heard such type of port. Can you elaborate like below: 1. Database version.2. SAP instance version3....
View ArticleRe: using fm SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 in workflow pdf file cannot load...
i myself debuged and found that problem with sender address when i execute directly my username is different lik 'xxxx' when i execute via workflow means my user id is 'yyyy' can i know how to change...
View ArticleRe: Custom Logic in BPC
can you help me to get BADI code for below scrip for allocation ? // Allocate equal values from Product to SKU for Account = VOLUME (AF)// apr to...
View ArticleRe: SAP BPC Allocation Logic
Sorry, but you have to develop it yourself! And it will take you some time... BADI development is not as simple as script creation Vadim
View ArticleBig Gap is existing between each payslip -Remuneration Statement...
Dear Experts. When we are trying to execute the payslip for payroll area we can able see more gap between each payslip. We are using PE51 forms in Pc00_m99_CEDT Remuneration Statement . Can this be...
View ArticleRe: BADI code to run allocation
Hi Ankit, Nobody will do this work instead of you... Vadim
View ArticleRe: UI5 controller scrolling event
Hi, Please close the thread by marking as answered, if you are able to meet the requirement Regards,Meganadhan S
View ArticleCrosstab is wrong measure's value which has formula
Dear all I have a table as below:MaterialSale orderPeriodQuantityCost (usd)Variable_value (usd) = Quantity * CostA1SO1201410142503500A1SO2201410915135 When I transfer this table to crosstab table with...
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