Re: Powerbuilder EOL Date
The policy was always to have two active "major" releases on active engineering support. When a new major release came out, the one from two releases prior would go EOL 90 days later. However -...
View ArticleRe: Holiday Deduction issue
Go to the info type and select the field click on F1 there you will get the program name double click on it then it takes you to the program screen click on Go to-- Attributes--you will get package...
View ArticleIs it possible to install sap b1 in MAC OS ?
Hi , Is it possible to install sap b1 8.82 client in mac os? configurations : mac osx lionServer : SQL SERVER 2008
View ArticleRe: No price could be determined for subcontractingin CK40N
Have you checked your valuation variant for sub-contracting? Whether you have defined properly..
View ArticleRe: Disable 'Change partner address' in VA02
Hi Jason, According to your this requirement, did you find any solution? Actually, I encounter the same requirement as you and looking for a solution. Could you please kindly tell me. Thank you so...
View ArticleRe: I can't connect to Client dashboard only in 1 database in 9.1 PL03
Hi, check following PDF for solution Regars,Harshit
View ArticleRe: Stock inconsistency
If Stock is Nil you can enter T code MR21 and adjust the price .
View ArticleRe: Not able to start Lifecycle Management in HANA
HI Bryan, It seems that your HLM is already running. Please check with command ps -ef | grep service name and identify the porcess ID and kill it. After that start it again. Regards,Pavan Gunda
View ArticleRe: webi
Mahesh, Please follow below link whcih can help you a lot Webi 4.x tricks : summary
View ArticleRe: List of SEPA mandates for FI-AR
Hello Rentas, Please let us know if you face any issue else close this discussion thread accordingly if your issue resolves. Thanks & Regards,Lakshmi S
View ArticleMail notification Issue.
Dear Experts, I have a issue to be resolved, customer wants the gate pass expiry details to be captured and to be sent in email. Can we maintain the gate pass details in 0185 IT, by creating a separate...
View ArticleRe: Error while scheduling Web-I Report
Hi Pavan, APS splitting is done. Restarting APS(DSL) doesnt solve the problem permanently. I could see that this issue has been resolved in few later patches. However, I couldn't find the fix applied....
View ArticleOutput display issue in Vendor Payment using F110
Hi, My requirement is to trigger a mail when Vendor Payment is done via F110. The issue in my case is, Case1: Without maintaining receiver address, and performing F110. Here Spool...
View ArticleRe: the difference between price determination structure and cost component...
Asturo, you are right. I understood program “MLHELP_MAT_CCS_INIT” logic through test server.Program “MLHELP_MAT_CCS_INIT” get the difference amount between price determination structure view and cost...
View ArticleMNGLG quantity is doubling then MENGE quantity
Dear Guru's, we have created a BOM for costing i.e. BOM Application PC01 but for all the part numbers the BOM quantity(MENGE) and Quantity(MNGLG) are same but only few material codes i am getting both...
View ArticleRe: Restore a database backup of proudction system to a new installation? Works?
Hi Charlie, So, if you have same environments(SAP, Unix & Database versions) for both Target & Source Systems, you can proceed with standard system refresh activity to build a new system....
View ArticleRe: How to achieve Top N condition in BO Dashboard using BEx Query
Send me a test mail, will send you some sample file based on this scenario.
View ArticleRe: Portal PAR - No templates to display. You are not assigned to any...
Thanks for the reply. There is a latest note 1473054 for Portal 7.x version. CheersSam
View ArticleRe: Escalation at Role Owner Stage - Wrong Behaviour
Hi Prasant, This note 2008881, I have already implemented and I have mentioned it in my discussion. Do you have any other suggestions for this issue? ~ Madan
View ArticleRe: Error in installing Addon through SAINT in DDIC_Activation phase Error...
Hi Vamsi Check your tms configuration and transport connection is fine or not. If it is ok then update your TP.EXE file to new version. Let me know your problem is resolved or not.........
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