Re: Batch Derivation Issue
Hi Kiran, Thanks for your reply. SLED & Manufacturing dates are maintained as characteristics in SFG. Now the issue is solved. Condition record is maintained for the both strategy type. 1.Receiving...
View ArticleRe: cut over activities to implement Quality for fg ?
Hi Anand,I think we can use this classical approach for all scenarios (irrespective of SAP/Legacy) and it should be like this -i) Try to shot-close all the open items to as small list as far as...
View ArticleRe: export the same webi report several times with different prompt values...
Hi Peter, The refresh method just refreshes the document. During a refresh all data providers are refreshed, this mean that the query is executed and the data is fetched from the micro cube. During the...
View ArticleRe: Matrix Structure gone in toss for Dual Reporting for positions
Thank you very much for answering all my questions. Last and Final question I will close the thread Yes for both positions Small boxes got selected So we need to assign A088 for for both positions A002...
View ArticleRe: How to capture implicit page break in sacript
Hi, in script we can create multiple main windows. so create one main window for bottom text or for item data you are using main window right so in the same main window you can add it.add the below...
View ArticleMail to vendor on posting a GR
Hello Experts, I have gone through the existing posts in SCN for the configuration of mail to vendor upon GR posting but still not able to get the desired result. Mail did not get trigger while posting...
View ArticleData Exchange between OpenUI control (WPF) and Agentry Action
Hi Kunal, Please help on the 2nd point: c. In an agentry action/rule, when you access this external value field, Agentry will call your open UI control's GetExtensionStirng() method to ask for the...
View ArticleCost planning for WBS element - error KBAPI101 (no control data for planning...
Hello All, I'm trying to upload some data using LSMW and below BAPI But I'm facing error:No control data for planning source ZLSMW / / / 2014 exists.Message no. KBAPI101DiagnosisThere is no control...
View ArticleRe: Printing PDF attachment
Hello Pawel i think you 1st you are using smartform FM for Calling Smartform then other Fm that is otf To Pdf and then so_document_Read_Api1...In above case you will not get print directrly because...
View ArticleRe: Removing duplicate entries from dropdownlist in web dynpro java
Hi Govardan,Can you please tell me what you said with an example?Request your help on this Thanks,Preetam
View ArticleRe: Error in EDI Separator Receiver: EDIFACT message fails: null object...
The latest SP level 9 fixed this error. Everything is now running fine.
View ArticleRe: G/L account .... in tax code .... not found Message no. FS716
Thanks! This resolved a similar issue that I had.
View ArticleRe: getting root data in item node
Hello Naveen, You can able to read the root information from the item information using io_read->retrieve_by_assocation method. pass the exporting parameter has...
View ArticleRe: sending email issue
Guess by now, you much have been able to resolve the issue.Pl. close this thread, (also post how you have resolved the issue) Regards,Remi
View ArticleRe: Infotype 0007 not found on 31.12.2010
Here concern is we will change PDC date to 01.01.2014 now employee is joined on 01.01.2009, In any case in future we will have to execute time evaluation from date of joining since employee has to get...
View ArticleRe: Migo badi implementation to fetch custom field data from PO
Hi, Can you try PAI method. Thanks,Sree
View ArticleRe: Matrix Structure gone in toss for Dual Reporting for positions
Hi Priya, while creating matrix types you are selecting only one relationship A 088 right ? then how can you see the reporting A 002 while display the matrix structure in PPME you are selecting matrix...
View ArticleRe: Status REL RREC SPCO STUP
OK I will check this note throughly and apply first in development or quality server.It will get resolve the existing issues ? and such type of issues will not come in future ?
View ArticleRe: doubt in alv
View ArticleSpecify one method only for determining entitlement
Dear Friends, As a part of configuration for Absence Quota Generation without Time Evaluation run (Negative Time) , I have tried to set base entitlement for all leaves. But I get an error as below....
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