Hi Sandra. Is it really necessary to have those random values and dates? Regards.
View ArticleRe: Substitution for refernce field and Assignment
Dear expert all the time we are not generating check through printout some time we are creating manually .so your solution is not apt for my requirement RegardsAjeesh.s
View ArticleESPM Scenario - Problems when publishing to local runtime
Hello everyone, I've installed the latest versions of eclipse, HANA Cloud SDK and so on accordingly to the espm installation guide and the tutorial. When I try to publish to the local server, an error...
View ArticleHow to create table join for infoset
hi,I want to create infoset that takes data from several tables, How to create table join ? thanks in advance
View ArticleRe: sometime Freight condition splits per item and sometime not
Dear SAP SAP, having Calculat. type - B Fixed amount requires to have price conditions filled out for all items on item level before you insert freight at header level - to be splitted. For freight it...
View ArticleRe: Query Panel is not visible after accesing the Bex Query
Can you access the query via RSRT in the BW backend?On the surface it sounds like an authorization issue
View ArticleSAP corporate training
can any body guide me about corporate training. like.... what is corporate training ? What is Charge ?
View ArticleRe: smartform designe table
Hi Abhay-Follow below steps to Display Framed patterns:-> Click on Select Pattern-> Select Display Framed patterns->Select below option. Now for displaying Texts in center, you have to create...
View ArticleRe: Netweaver Servlet threading
helo steve, check below links RegardsNayeem
View ArticleRe: How to add amount of 2 records with same Key fields in an internal table?
Yes, after this we need to apply the same logic I had given above. it_dat1 is of type table whose fields are in the order f1 f2 f3 f10 f4 ----f9 f11 f12the field names in it_dat1 and it_tab1 should be...
View ArticleRe: Develop Apps with Lumira
I am not a developer - have you looked at the Lumira SDK? SeeBullet Chart with Lumira SDK
View ArticleRe: BI Inbox with Mobile ?
Anil - are the reports set to the Mobile category on the BI launchpad?
View ArticleRe: Issue while linking a webi report to a dashboard
Hi Amano, are you saying that i can now link between one dashboard to the other using open doc syntax in BI Mobile App? So, i create Dashboard B and publish it to BO public folders and create...
View ArticleRe: Reg: Context Operator in Crystal Report
Hi, I am having a group on [Object1], [Object2], [Object3] and also having cross tab in each group that splits data by month (Cross tab header as month). Now, I need a measure that needs to be...
View ArticleRe: Question about Import Wizard and the Input / Output FRS
This is exactly what I meant by symple . No need to use import wizard at all.
View ArticleRe: Job - Entry 71121332 does not exist in T513 (Check entry) - HCM Process...
Hi Vijay, There may be several reasons why they get out of synch, but you can try running report RHINTE20. The description of the report (below) seems relevant. RHINTE20 Description:This program can be...
View ArticleRe: SP 7 installation file corrupted
Let me check out a fresh image and try. I should have an update within the hour. - Ludek
View ArticleRe: Dear Moderator, need your kind attension.
Hi Matthew, Thanks for the reply. Well, let me put mine views...........!!!!!!!!!!!1. In the thread created by me, I wanted to know, the table from where I can get the list of tables, which contain...
View ArticleRe: SAP MSS Reports
Hi Jagadeesh, How did you resolve this issue, i am also facing the same issue in my client, could you please help me out if you resolve this issue. I Configured my Own ZMSS role with Instance REP in...
View ArticleRe: Export to PDF - Space IN-Front of french accent character.
Hello Ludek, I have found something but after looking in the forum I'm not able to decide what is the best way to solve my issue. We have the following registry setting for the export in PDF:...
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