Re: Business process flow issues
Hi, 1. Use EPMSelectMember in template to select members based on property filter and hide context. I don't think you can filter context based on BPF parameters. 2. Using Excel advanced options you can...
View ArticleRe: How to delete Formula Variable in BEx Query
Hi Asghar, Formula variable you will not delete, it's not possible. if you are not using DD formula variable don't use in query. if you perform any CKF,RKF and Structure on global level deleting won't...
View ArticleRe: How can I know how many data been extended to plant level?
Hi Kiran,Check the material in table MARC and copy the material and get data from MARA table to pass copied material on selection screen. ThanksRanjit K.
View ArticleRe: Posting Balance is not cleared for (Period 09 / 2013 A)
Samir, Is it legitimate that the retro should happen for this employee?? if not restrict the retro it should solve the issue. BRUpen
View ArticleRe: Which SAP functional module I need to choose?
Don't waste more time for module choose..Choose the module as per your interest...In functional, there are many modules in SAP.Just choose as you like.Every module has a different business area. Also...
View ArticleRe: Filename length in Selection-Screen Parameter
Hi Sowmya, You can declare the parameter for File name with some data element asTEXT200 etc, on screen it will look small but it will accomodate whole file/folder path and than you can use this...
View ArticleTheme problem after SP upgrade.
Dear All, I am working on NW7.31 I developed the theme by theme editor in SP 4Now we have upgraded the SP 4 to SP10.In the applications like UWL,Who's Who the customized theme is not retaining.These...
View ArticleRe: How did you get your start in SAP?
It is very motivating to read all your stories! I will share my story, BE 2010 passed out >> 1.5 years as mobile app dev >> 2 years as Java dev >> Realized that after 10 years down...
View ArticleRe: Policy function in Web Intelligence
Hi All, The issue is happening for just 1 user and is not machine specific. I.e, if the user logs in using his credentials the error is seen for all reports. Similarly, if the same user credentials...
View ArticleRe: query Ammendmend
Hi, Try this: declare @poNum int, @VendorCode nvarchar(15), @VendorName nvarchar(100), @ItemCode nvarchar(20), @date1 as datetime,@date2 as datetime/*select p.DocEntry from opor d join por1 dr on...
View ArticleRe: Adding new field by customizing
Hi Peter, Not sure if you are still looking for an answer on this, but this requirement of yours can be worked out using BDT (Business Data Toolset). Have a look at the blog here...
Hi Ramesh, pls refer below links, Charm for Solution Manager 7.1 documentationConfigure charm in SOLUTION MANAGER 7.1Need Guide of ChaRM for Solman 7.1 SP06?Solution Manager 7.1 CHARM Configuration...
View ArticleRe: Job SM:SELFDIAGNOSIS fails with: Definition does not exist Internal...
Thanks Roman, I ran the report RDSMOPREDUCEDATA per note 1946826. It only ran for 2 seconds and didn't resolve the issue. Any ideas? Thanks,Diana
View ArticleRe: Error in the self monitoring of DBAcockpit
Thanks for your reply, Do you know the note number of the new correction collection? The only note i found is the 1558958 which i have already implemented and i am updating it everyday hoping that...
View ArticleActions maintain in Mitigation Control ID Report Tab
Dear GRC Team, I am looking for help..!!! I am Creating Mitigation Control ID for Risk ID F001.In Report Tab,Need to Maintain - System,Action,Monitor ID and Frequency.Here my query is ,Under action tab...
View ArticleRe: Formatting chart label for calendar year
If you aren't scared of using jQuery and JS: , here's a crazy method: var labels = $(".v-m-xAxis .viz-axis.v-axis .viz-axis-body.v-body .v-label.viz-axis-label.v-morphable-label > text");for(var...
View ArticleRe: SAP TM 9.0 MAP Interaction Issue
Hi Matthew I really appreciate your comments and help, I will look into it and I can tell you that your answer is correct because I assigned all the TMS* profiles so I will need to test each one. Have...
View ArticleRe: An error occured while creating the original attribute....
Hi Gajendra I have a Similar issue Could you please help me how to solve it Best Regards S shaiju
View ArticleRe: Agentry check if picture/signature is present (ipad)
Dieter,Sorry, I was wrong. After some further checking, do it this way: Turn OFF the signature required check box on the transaction property. Leave your enable logic on the screen field so that the...
View ArticleRe: BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_CREATE - unable to create notification
Hi Padma, the behaviour is across version and is due to the implementation of the JRA resource in Netweaver, I've noticed it for the first time in 7.11 but it is possibly also in previous versions. It...
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