Re: Right PAAS/Middleware for SAP HCM and SAP Cloud Integration ?
The SFAPI and OData API are exposed for any web service integration, including Dell Boomi AtomSphere. The OData API can handle delta changes. HCI is an evolving platform and offers similar...
View ArticleLinking existing physical sample to new inspection lot
Hello Experts, We use sample management in QM. The physical samples are generated for the inspection lot of a batch. But if the batch is required to be reinspected at a later instance during delivery,...
View ArticleError while reversing the GR
Hi I have a function module which is used to create and reverse a GR for a purchase order based on movement type. When the movement type is 101 it creates the GR and when it is 102 reverses the GR.For...
View ArticleRe: Message no. V1667 - Free goods
Hi Cat, I think u had better look for this information in sales order at item level, in condition tab you can click on analysis and check which condition records system is looking at for various...
View ArticleRe: Error message 090(56) No auth for personnel number xxx
Managed to resolve the issue. It was due to authorization object P_TRAVL. It would be useful if anyone can share on how to trouble shoot authorization errors in ESS. Any similar function like SU53...
View ArticleRe: Activate standard sum segment in INVOIC iDoc
Peter, In the idoc, are the other fields and values populating? If yes, then as Waza said, check if discounts were given in that transaction. There is no activation per se.
View ArticleRe: How to delete the last record of a particular field
Hi, If you want to remove the duplicate records, use sort for the fields and then do delete adjacent duplicates for the same.In your case, if Sno and Invoice are key fields, then you can use as...
View ArticleReport program to create sales order
Hi Experts, Iam new to SAP crm. I wanted to create report program for salesorder.Can anybody help in this. Thanks in advance.Anish
View ArticleRe: Customer not ready to send free of goods back But he wants money back for...
It is an unrealistic expectation to think that if you have suggested to write in a certain way (be it the "correct" way); from the subsequent post the changes will be incorporated.I guess it's as...
View ArticleRe: CO Certification
Hi, I would like to know the difference between the course C_TFIN22_64 and C_TFIN22_65,does SAP added any new chapter in 65..? is there any changes in the certification question papers,because 64...
View ArticleRe: Process order %00000000001 has been selected for deletion
Solved..Change the customer number
View ArticleRe: Copy routine for shipment cost
That is from the delivery to the shipment, not from the Shipment to the cost document.As far as I know there is no copy control for the cost document. What exactly are you trying to achieve? What...
View ArticleRe: Customer not ready to send free of goods back But he wants money back for...
Hi VenuBusiness has to decide what they want to do in this Scenario .Business want to send free of cost delivery to customer or want to give Credit Note to customer . upon decision from business you...
View ArticleRe: No GL ledger view for some documents
Hi Satya, I faced this same situation at one of the clients. We had raised this to SAP OSS. You are correct that RGURECGLFNEX should be run by SAP OSS consultants only. They say that you are free to...
View ArticleSearch Help for Company Code from Backend
Hi experts, How can I make a SH for company code from backend system? I already made a SH for account assigments from backend with USAGE_SH_F4 functioanality, but i don't know whether I can use it for...
View ArticleHow to external browse SolMan KPIs and get SolMan notifcations Externally
Hello, Is there away to do the following from SolMan via APIs or other to access the below SolMan information externally? 1. 800 KPIs from Solman, API to browse list, Select and item then import to...
View ArticleRe: Unable to use MSM of Crystal Report in WIX created MSI
I don't think this is the problem. I looked through the msm files all the way back to SP 1 and the registry notation is the same. Always. And I know it works in VS .NET, InstallShield and Wise. I also...
View ArticlePeriodo de Contabilizacion Bloqueado Especifique datos alternativos
Muy buen día apreciados compañeros al momento de hacer una legalización me sale periodo de contabilización bloqueado especifique datos alternativos mensaje 131-107 Adjunto pantallazo de antemano quedo...
View ArticleRe: Group by row number
Hi, I dont want to create a section.I need to generate row numbers in groups. Arun
View ArticleProblemas con la Pantalla de Tipos de Cambio SAP 9
Buenos Días: Normalmente, si entramos a un Documento sin que se haya ingresado el Tipo de Cambio, SAP nos muestra primero la pantalla de Tipos de Cambio. Si el usuario está autorizado al registro...
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